Understanding the interplay between work stress, stress beliefs, stress response, and job performance among electronic technology teachers

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Abidemi O. Shodeinde
Theresa C. Ogbuanya


Teachers of electronic technology are essential in helping TVET graduates develop the skills they need to be independent and find rewarding work. However, the nature of their job makes them prone to work stress, potentially impacting their job performance.
Drawing on previous research, this study examines how electronic technology teachers’ stress beliefs and stress responses can explain or alter the association between stress encountered at work and job performance. The study involved 123 electronic technology teachers and 22 heads of departments in government-owned universities in Nigeria. The data collected through surveys were analysed using bivariate correlation analysis. The findings revealed that higher levels of work stress were associated with lower job performance and negative stress responses.
Conversely, positive stress beliefs and positive stress responses were linked to higher job performance. The study highlights the importance of managing work stress, cultivating positive stress beliefs, and promoting adaptive stress responses to enhance
job performance among electronic technology teachers. The results suggest interventions and support systems that address work stressors foster positive stress beliefs and facilitate effective stress management strategies to create a conducive work environment and optimise performance among electronic technology teachers.

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How to Cite
Shodeinde, A., & Ogbuanya, T. (2024). Understanding the interplay between work stress, stress beliefs, stress response, and job performance among electronic technology teachers. Namibia Journal of Technical Vocational Education and Training, 1, 21–34. https://doi.org/10.59677/njtvet.v1i.69


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