Unveiling Namibia's Digital Humour A Humorous and Stylistic Examination of Memes in Namibian Online Discourse

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Rauna Mwetulundila
Marinela Maghiar


This article explored the humorous and stylistic elements of memes in Namibian online discourse. In the digital age, memes have become an integral part of online communication, offering valuable insights into contemporary language use. Today, memes are widely recognised as short videos or images accompanied by humorous texts, rapidly shared on social media. The incongruity theory of humour helps elucidate the humorous and language elements within memes. The study aimed at analysing selected memes within the Namibian socio-cultural context, shedding light on how language is used to create humorous effects and identifying stylistic qualities. The study employed a desktop methodology, analysing image macros from the Namibian socio-cultural context. 8 memes were sampled from an online platform called Namibian memes01 populated by 139 thousand followers at the time of sampling these memes.  The study revealed that memes serve as a form of communication, conveying emotions, thoughts, ideas, and reflecting cultural values. They contribute to language development and have the potential to shape social interactions and shared beliefs. Humour plays a significant role in memes, fostering a sense of community, defusing tension, and promoting positive interactions. The findings highlight the importance of pragmatics and context in interpreting the intended meanings of memes.

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How to Cite
Mwetulundila, R., & Maghiar, M. (2024). Unveiling Namibia’s Digital Humour: A Humorous and Stylistic Examination of Memes in Namibian Online Discourse. Namibian Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Communication Studies, 17(1), 46–56. https://doi.org/10.59677/njlc.v17i1.49
Author Biographies

Rauna Mwetulundila, University of Namibia

Rauna Mwetulundila is a lecturer in the School of Education at the University of Namibia. She holds a PhD in English Studies from the University of Namibia. Her research interests are in literature, communication, rhetoric and linguistics.

Marinela Maghiar, The International University of Management

Marinela Maghiar is a lecturer under the Centre for Languages and Communication at the International University of Management, Namibia, Coastal Campus. She holds a Master of Arts in Anglophone and Francophone Studies from the University of Oradea, Romania. Her research interests are in discourse analysis, digital communication, phonetics and phonology, general linguistics and language teaching.


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