• The Namibian Journal of Language, Literature and Communication Studies (NJLLSC) – previously known as the NAWA Journal of Language and Communication -  has been published online since issue 16.1. Prior issues were submitted solely to EBSCOhost for paid access, or were printed and sold. Even after moving to Open Access, issues are still submitted to EBSCOhost. EBSCO access is via their “Communication Source” database.
  • All issues, have been added to the open journal systems (OJS) archive so that all issues of the journal can be accessed from one place. https://journals.nust.na/index.php/njlc/issue/archive
  • Printed copies of the journal are also distributed at a cost recovery fee.
  • The Publisher allows author(s) the use of the final published version of an article (publisher pdf) for self-archiving (author's personal website) and/or archiving in an institutional repository after publication.
  • Author(s) may self-archive their articles in public and/or commercial subject-based repositories. There is no embargo period; however, the published source should be specified and a link should be established to the web page where the article was published.
  • Author(s) may download print of the article as a PDF document. Author(s) may send copies of the article to colleagues without embargo.
  • The publisher allow all versions of papers (published version, accepted version, first version submitted) to be deposited in an institutional or other repository of the author’s choice without embargo.