#Blessed An exploratory analysis of allusion as a descriptive literary device for transactional sex relationships in fiction

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Emelda ǂGawas
Jairos Kangira
Nelson Mlambo


This article explores the creative use of allusion as a literary device in the description of transactional sex relationships in the following selected literary texts; The Blessed Girl by Angela Makholwa (2018), Bare: #The Blesser Game by Jackie Phamotse (2017) and The Y in yOUR Man is Silent: Book 1 by Yvonne Maphosa (2019). The discovery of the dearth of literature on the portrayal of transactional sex relationships in fiction catalysed this article. Thus this article sought to explore the diverse creative ways in which allusion is employed to describe the relatively new phenomenon of transactional sex relationships. In this article, a qualitative desktop literary analysis was the methodology of choice. The article employed the critical lens of Lipstick Feminism which advances the use of make-up and sexual appeal as an empowerment tool for women without regarding how it sustains the commodification of transactional sex relationships. The significant finding of the study was that the creative use of allusion was crucial as they exemplify the blessee's lifestyle. The brand names are significant in shaping the blessee's archetype and image. In conclusion, allusion was effectively used in the selected works of fiction to describe the new phenomenon of transactional sex relationships.


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How to Cite
Gawas, E., Kangira, J., & Mlambo, N. (2024). #Blessed: An exploratory analysis of allusion as a descriptive literary device for transactional sex relationships in fiction. Namibian Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Communication Studies, 17(1), 57–66. https://doi.org/10.59677/njlc.v17i1.25
Author Biographies

Emelda ǂGawas, Namibia University of Science and Technology

Emelda ǂGawas (/Ucham) is a Senior Lecturer at the Namibia University of Science and Technology where she teaches different English service courses. Her research interests are Afropolitanism, Namibian literature, Stylistics and Lipstick Feminism. Emelda is currently a PhD candidate at the University of Namibia.

Jairos Kangira, University of Namibia

Jairos Kangira is a Professor of English Studies in the Faculty of Education and Human Sciences at the University of Namibia. He earned his PhD in Rhetoric Studies from the University of Cape Town, South Africa and has published extensively in the field of rhetoric, language and literature.

Nelson Mlambo, University of Namibia

Nelson Mlambo is an Associate Professor of Literature Studies in the School of Humanities, Society and Development at the University of Namibia. He has published several articles and books on literature, language and communication.


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